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Klahoose Wilderness Resort arrivals

Desolation Sound Seasons

The lush temperate rainforests of Desolation Sound are part of the world’s largest temperate rainforest. While the region receives nourishing rainfall that supports its thriving ecosystem, the weather can also be warm and dry—perfect for outdoor recreation and water-based activities. Desolation Sound's calm and sheltered water is home to some of the warmest ocean waters in the Pacific, have reached up to 24°C (75F), making swimming an enticing addition to your vacation. Klahoose Wilderness Resort resides on the sheltered ocean channel named  'Thee chum mi yich' – in the Ayajuthem and  means travelling further back inside the passage.

Cabin in snow

Winter - sotɩč

November - March

Winters on British Columbia’s west coast are mild, with brief snowfalls that quickly melt away, revealing the natural beauty of the season. While our off-grid Klahoose Wilderness Resort is closed during winter due to our micro-hydro power system not being winterized, the region remains picturesque. By March, humpback whales return to our waters after spending the winter at their breeding grounds in Mexico and Hawaii.

Winter daytime temperatures range from 1-7°C (33-44°F), offering a peaceful and scenic experience along the BC coast.

Toba Inlet waterfalls

Spring - ƛiʔčos

April - June 

Spring on the Pacific Coast offers breathtaking scenery with lush rainforests, waterfalls, and snow-capped mountains. The resort opens in May and is an ideal time for wildlife enthusiasts, with grizzly and black bears feeding along the shoreline, humpback whales, and migrating birds in winter plumage. You can also spot large sea lions before they head to breeding grounds in Alaska and California. 

Daytime temperatures range from 7-18°C (44-65°F), making spring perfect for outdoor exploration and wildlife viewing. Learn more about Spring stays here.

Paddle Board at Klahoose Wilderness Resort

Summer - ƛoqowiy 

July - August

Summer at Klahoose Wilderness Resort offers breathtaking landscapes, ideal for exploring lush rainforests, pristine coastlines, and spotting incredible wildlife such as Orca and Humpback whales will be at the peak. The warm weather and long daylight hours create the perfect setting for outdoor adventures like kayaking, ocean swimming, and peaceful evenings soaking in stunning sunsets.

Daytime temperatures range from 13-22°C (55-72°F), making summer the ideal season for extended exploration and relaxation in the heart of nature. Learn more about Summer stays here.

Fall at Klahoose Resort

Fall - xɛčič

September - October

Fall at Klahoose Wilderness Resort marks the start of the iconic salmon run up Toba Inlet, attracting grizzly bears to the rivers for a centuries-old feast on salmon in the traditional Klahoose territory. Guests visiting in the fall can experience this natural spectacle with guided grizzly bear viewing from our exclusive fixed platforms, offering a rare opportunity to observe these majestic animals up close.

Daytime temperatures range from 10-18°C (50-65°F), making fall a comfortable and awe-inspiring time to witness this timeless wildlife event. Learn more about Fall stays here.

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